Thursday 29 March 2012

Why I like ICT?

I like ICT because we are learning something new and fun & simultaneously we are also fulfilling the needs of the curriculum. What we are learning in ICT is not only useful in only ICT classes,  but it is also useful when I have presentation, lab reports or essays to submit. ICT classes make my work on the computer more efficient and easier.


My Favourite Subject!

my favourite subject is history and here is a short ppt on what we have done in history this year.

My favorite Topic!

My favorite topic is blogging, which I happen to be doing right now!
I like blogging because it is something new and something I haven't done before.
Computer Animated Gif

What have learnt till now?

This year in ICT we have learnt:
  1. Power Point
  2. Editing word files
  3. Access
  4. Blogging
  5. Computer networks
  6. Computer basics (hardware, software, etc.)

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Who am I?

Heyy, My name is Aadya Malladi. I am from Oberoi International School. This is Blog is an ICT assignment. The reason I chose ICT as a subject for my IGCSE'S because most people in today's 21st century use the computer for most of their daily work. I feel that learning how to use the computer might help me to cope up with my study's quite well and will also make me more efficient. I also chose ICT because, I had an option between ICT & Art, and I knew that I defiantly didn't want to take Art. : D

                      animated gifs Computers 6